Afternoon Tea - Wednesday, March 26 - Filled
Join us for Afternoon Tea in March as we celebrate all that's green again! Fresh Salad, three tiered tea tray, and bottomless pots of tea will prevail. Relax and enjoy, experience the peace and tranquility of an Afternoon Tea.
Wednesday March 26 (Filled)
Select: 11:00 am, 12:00 pm, or 1:00 pm
Fee: $45.00 per person, includes 6% tax and 15% gratuity
PA Cryptids and Tea Time - Sunday, March 30 (Filled)
We will begin our afternoon with a Cryptid inspired afternoon tea party followed by a fun and lighthearted look at the folklore of Pennsylvania’s famous creatures. Cryptids are animals or other beings that many believe exist in the wild, but science has not fully confirmed their existence. Some are obscure and sympathetic; some are spooky while others are adorable. We welcome Rissa Miller; author, editor, herbalist, and storyteller to share the tales of PA's legendary creatures.
Sunday, March 30 (Filled)1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
A Spot of Royal Tea with Royal Commentator Amanda Matta - Filled
Today, nothing seems more quintessentially “posh” than a cup of tea accompanied with a traditional serving of an elegant Afternoon Tea. After all, images of Queen Elizabeth II enjoying a cuppa have become a cultural touchstone. But it wasn’t always this way. While the practice of drinking tea in Asian cultures dates back several millennia, Westerners wouldn’t embrace it until the mid-17th century. How did tea-drinking solidify into a fashionable and integral part of royal life, and where did it go from there? Royal commentator Amanda Matta, perhaps better known by her TikTok handle @matta_of_fact, will draw back the curtain on the interwoven history of teatime and the royals. Prior to the program, an elegant afternoon tea party will be served in courses. We will start with a salad, then a variety of afternoon tea sandwiches, followed by tea bread and a scone warm from the oven and finish with a selection of petite desserts, all accompanied by a variety of properly brewed teas.
Purchase Tickets On-Line:1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Fee: $60.00, all inclusive tax, gratuity, afternoon tea and program
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday, April 9 (Filled)
Select: 11:00 am, 12:00 pm, or 1:00 pm
Fee: $45.00 per person, (includes tax and gratuity)
Medicinal Mushroom Exploration
Medicinal mushrooms are superior longevity tonics and help to normalize and revitalize your organs and body on all levels which keeps you full of vitality and energy. When used long term, mushrooms are particularly helpful for deep chronic imbalances. We will take a beginners look into five of the most popular medicinal mushrooms and explore their uses and how they can be used as medicine and in foods. Class will include a sample of mushroom pate, mushroom soup, and mushroom chai. Please bring paper and pencil for notes and your water bottle.
Thursday. April 10
6:30 - 8:30
Fee: $40.00
Mechanicsburg's Earth Day Festival 2025
Remember we have parking in the rear.
Saturday, April 19th
9 am - 3 pm
Afternoon Tea - Thursday, April 24 - Filled
Afternoon Tea includes a fresh salad, followed by the traditional tea tray laden with assorted sandwiches, oven fresh scones, fresh fruit, and delicious desserts. A bottomless pot of properly brewed loose leaf tea will accompany your meal. Treat yourself and your friends to a well-deserved break as you find serenity in a cup. Relax and enjoy this charming olde world tradition.
Thursday, April 24 (Filled)Fee: $45.00/person (includes tax and gratuity)
Introduction to Herbs and Herb Gardening
Thursday, April 24
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Fee: $20.00 per person
Apprentice Gardener Night
Friday April 25 (Filled)
5:00 - 8:00 (call if bad weather threatens)
Free. Limited to 5 eager herb gardeners.
Fragrant and Flavorful Afternoon Tea and Program
Savor a full Afternoon Tea prepared by Sweet Remembrances followed by a special program titled 'What Fragrance is That?'. Enjoy a lightly fragrant experience of vintage and modern perfumes. Our guest speaker, Cheryl Harmon, will share information about: sources for preparation of perfume (including her trip to Grasse, France); use of flowers, etc. to create scents; how “notes” in a perfume are used; and, will share how she keeps a fragrance journal. A list of wonderful books that describe the world of perfumes will be exhibited for review. Cheryl Harmon is a graduate of both Temple and Drexel Universities, with a B.S. in Education and an M.S. in Library Science. Participants will be offered a take-home vial of one of several fragrances.
Sunday April 271:00 – 3:00 p.m.
A Tisket, A Tasket, Fill a May Day Basket
Mushroom Tea Blending
Medicinal Mushrooms have amazing health benefits if consumed on a regular basis. One way to do that is utilizing mushroom powders in with tea formulas. We will play around with powdered Chaga, Reishi, Lion's Mane, and Cordyceps to find some tea blends that are functional and delicious. Taking the Medicinal Mushroom Exploration class first (April 10) is helpful, but not required. Susanna Reppert, instructor
Thurs May 16:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Fee: $30.00
Mechanicsburg's Art & Wine Walk: Saturday, May 3
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday, May 7 - Filled
Join us for Afternoon Tea which includes a fresh salad, followed by the traditional tea tray laden with assorted sandwiches, oven fresh scones, fresh fruit, and delicious desserts. A bottomless pot of properly brewed loose leaf tea will accompany your meal. Treat yourself and your friends to a well-deserved break as you find serenity in a cup, relax, and enjoy this charming olde world tradition.
Wednesday, May 7 (Filled)Fee: $45.00/person (includes tax and gratuity)
National Herb Week - Herb Garden Tour
Free Garden Tour - a fast paced tour of our many herb gardens. We have over 300 varieties of herbs in our garden. Come and discover the herbs we have and their uses! This seeing, tasting, touching tour is designed for all interests. Everyone will create a Chamomile Sleep Tea to take home. Enjoy tasty treats prepared by our tea room Sweet Remembrances featuring fresh herbs, served in the garden. Held rain or shine.
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
FREE EVENT - celebrate National Herb Week
Growing a Healing Herb Garden
Thursday, May 8th
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Fee: $20.00
Mother's Day TEA - Sunday, May 11
Sunday, May 11th (Filled)
Fee: $60.00 (includes tax and gratuity)
Afternoon TEA Wednesday - May 14 - Filled
Join us for an elegant Afternoon Tea in May. Afternoon Tea includes a fresh salad, followed by the traditional tea tray laden with assorted sandwiches, oven fresh scones, fresh fruit, and delicious desserts. A bottomless pot of properly brewed loose leaf tea will accompany your meal. Treat yourself and your friends to a well-deserved break as you find serenity in a cup, relax, and enjoy this charming olde world tradition.
Wednesday, May 14 (Filled)Select: 11:00 am, 12:00, or 1:00 pm
Fee: $45.00/person (includes tax and gratuity)
Corner Patio Planter or Windowbox
Apprentice Gardener Night
Friday May 16 (Filled)
5:00 - 8:00 (call if bad weather threatens)
Free. Limited to 5 eager herb gardeners.
Afternoon Tea, Saturday, May 17 - Filled
Saturday, May 17 (Filled)
Fee: $45.00/person (includes tax and gratuity)
International Tea Day - May 21
1:00 - 5:00
Create Your Own Cement Garden Art!
This is so fun! Create charming bears, cats, dogs, and other creatures to decorate your garden! These cement animals adorably adorn the garden all year 'round. Bring plastic gloves and dress for the outdoors. Cedar Brill and Susanna Reppert will guide you through this fun, fun, fun class!
Thursday. May 22
6:30 - 7:30
Fee: $40.00
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday, May 28
Afternoon Tea includes a fresh salad, followed by the traditional tea tray laden with assorted sandwiches, oven fresh scones, fresh fruit, and delicious desserts. A bottomless pot of properly brewed loose leaf tea will accompany your meal. Treat yourself and your friends to a well-deserved break as you find serenity in a cup, relax, and enjoy this charming olde world tradition.
Wednesday, May 28
Select: 11:00 am, 12:00 pm, or 1:00 pm (filled)
Fee: $45.00/person (includes tax and gratuity)
Evening Weed Walk - May 29
Thursday, May 29th
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Fee: $10.00
International Scone Day
Celebrate this very special day with us! Order a Traditional English Cream scone, served with sweet cream and jam, to enjoy in the garden with a cup of tea. Invite a friend or two! There will be seating under the pavilion and in the garden. In case of inclement weather, seating inside will be available.
Friday, May 30thSelect: 1:00 (Filled), 2:00, or 3:00
Fee: $10.00, per person (incl. scone, toppings, tea)
Afternoon Tea Dates
Afternoon Tea, Tuesday, June 3 (Filled)
Full Afternoon Tea will be served today, including a salad, assorted tea sandwiches, oven fresh scones, fresh fruit, and fun desserts all featuring a sunny summer tea.
Tuesday, June 3 (Filled)Select: 11:00 am, 12:00, or 1:00 pm
Fee: $45.00 (includes tax and gratuity)
Afternoon Tea - Saturday, June 7th - Filled
Strawberry Moon Tea Party and Program - Filled
Celebrate the Strawberry Moon during this full Afternoon Tea party followed by an informative program on full moon lore. Rissa Miller will teach this dip into folklore about the moon (think green cheese) and the superstitions around it, blending science, history and folk stories into a truly magical lunar event.
Weds June 11th (Filled)1:00 - 3:00
Fee: $60.00, inclusive
Make your own FAIRY or DRAGON GARDEN
Wednesday, June 11
6:30 - 8:00 pm
FEE: $30.00
Let's Talk About Inflammation
Is inflammation a healing response or a disease process? How are plants that reduce inflammation different from pharmaceutical drugs when it comes to easing inflammation? During this workshop we will look at what inflammation is and its causes as well as plants that help. Instructor: Susanna Reppert
Tuesday June 176:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Fee: $20.00
Infusing Plants into your Spiritual Practice
Want to amplify and add a new level of richness into your current spiritual practice? Join Pat Banzhoff, local shaman, in a conversation about partnering in a meaningful way with a variety of plants. This session will include a dose of science and a dash of the mystic. All belief systems welcome.
Wednesday, June 186:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Fee: $25.00
Apprentice Gardener Night
Friday, June 20
5:00 - 8:00 (call if bad weather threatens)
Free. Limited to 5 eager herb gardeners.
Lovely Lavender Tea Party
Saturday, June 21st (Filled)
Fee: $60.00, inclusive
Afternoon Tea - Wednesday, June 25
Full Afternoon Tea will be served today, including a salad, assorted tea sandwiches, oven fresh scones, fresh fruit, and fun desserts all featuring a sunny summer tea.
Wednesday, June 25thSelect: 11:00 am, 12:00, or 1:00 pm
Fee: $45.00 (includes tax and gratuity)
Afternoon Tea - Saturday June 28 (Filled)
Full Afternoon Tea will be served today, including a salad, assorted tea sandwiches, oven fresh scones, fresh fruit, and fun desserts all featuring a sunny summer tea.
Saturday, June 28 (Filled)Select: 11:00 am, 12:00, or 1:00 pm
Fee: $45.00 (includes tax and gratuity)
For Medicinal Purposes only, wink, wink
Tuesday, July 15th
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Fee: $25.00
TRIVIA Night & Tea Party
Wednesday July 16
6:00 - 8:00
Fee: $60.00, inclusive
Apprentice Gardener Night
Friday, July 18th
5:00 - 8:00 (call if bad weather threatens)
Free. Limited to 5 eager herb gardeners.
Hormonal Ups and Downs
This class is for women battling with their hormones. There are herbs which can help to balance the hormones and herbs to help with hormonal acne, anxiety, fertility, and menstrual woes. Lots of info will be shared in this class just for the ladies. Instructors are Molly Sams of The Essential Herbal Magazine and Susanna Reppert of The Rosemary House.
Wednesday July 23rd6:30 - 8:30
Taking Tea and Tarot Reading - Filled
Each seating is limited to 15. Reserve early!
Sunday, July 27
Select: 11 am - 1 pm (Filled)
Fee: $65.00, inclusive
The Secrets of the Still
Tuesday, August 12th
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Fee: $20.00
Apprentice Gardener Night
Friday August 15
5:00 - 8:00 (call if bad weather threatens)
Free. Limited to 5 eager herb gardeners.
Evening Tea Party and Book Chat
This evening is for book enthusiasts. Join us for an evening tea of salad, sandwiches, savory scone, dessert, and tea, followed by a book discussion of The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson. It spans several generations following a Dakhota family's struggle to preserve their way of life. This book is available new, used and on audiobook, and we have copies that you may borrow. Reading the book is encouraged or read reviews of the book and join us for an evening supper and chat.
Thursday August 216:00 - 8:00 pm
Fee: $45.00
FAIRY FESTIVAL - September 6 & 7
Visit our “Fairy Food on the Fly” table.
Check our website for the time schedule for music and entertainment (updated early August).
Perfect for ages 3 –11 and all who believe! Additional fees may apply for crafts.
Saturday, September 6
Sunday, September 7
10 am – 4 pm
Fee: $7.50 Admission
Rain or shine.
Please note: our gardens are unable to accommodate strollers, sorry for the inconvenience.
Apprentice Gardener Night
Friday September 12 (Filled)
5:00 - 8:00 (call if bad weather threatens)
Free. Limited to 5 eager herb gardeners.
Witchcraft, Faith-Healing, & Pow-Wow in Pennsylvania
Interested in charms, enchantments, occult history and lore that have been found all over the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? According to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, "Pennsylvania is a national leader in religious diversity and expression." This cultural heritage beginning with Pennsylvania's founder, William Penn, has continued to this day. Because of this, you can see why Pennsylvania has been the home of such a wide variety of views, from the most free-thinking to the most conservative. The magic found within this land has influenced and been influential in spiritual & occult expressions all over the world, from Appalachian folk practices, to the Hoodoo Candle Shop magic, to the Obeah of the Caribbean, and many other places where those with a penchant for all things hidden (occult) can be found. We'll be starting from the early 1800s and work our way through to our modern times. Out instructor is Matt D, who loves midnight bonfires with friends, the folklore of herbs and plants, and nature walks in the woods.
Tuesday Sept. 16th6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Fee: $25.00
Pennsylvania Tea Festival - Sept. 19th - 20th
Be sure to 'Like Us' on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. Share your photos!
Tickets are $15.00 in advance or $18.00 the day of the event. Tickets will be available via Humanitix on July 1st. If you want to avoid service fees, stop in at The Rosemary House to pick up your advance ticket. Or contact Susanna (no later than Sept. 13), she will mail them to you in advance!
Friday, September 19
Saturday, September 20
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Intro to Plant Based Foods for Fall Entertaining
Join us for a festive and flavorful Vegan Fall Food Class! This interactive class is designed to inspire you to create delicious, plant-based dishes that will please everyone at the table. Whether you're new to the lifestyle, need to cook for a vegan guest, or have been eating plant-based for years, our instructor Rissa Miller will have tips, techniques, and recipes to make the season's eatings flow seamlessly. Tastings will include winter greens salad, sage gravy over roasted butternut squash, shepherd's pie, and pumpkin bread pudding. Guests will receive a recipe packet of wintery vegan recipes to create tasty, compassionate new meal traditions!
Wednesday, Sept, 24th6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Fee: $45.00, inclusive
Make Your Own Herbal Medicine
Thursday, Sept 25th
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Fee: $25.00
The Wives of Henry the VIII Tea Party & Program
Spend the afternoon enjoying a royal tea party prepared by Sweet Remembrances followed by a Herstory program inspired by the six wives of Henry the VIII. Presentation by Angelica Brill.
Sunday, Sept 28 (Filled)1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Fee: $60.00, inclusive
All About CHAI
Masala chai (or more casually shortened to 'chai' in America) is the traditional drink of India and defined as a blend of black tea, milk, sugar, and spices. We will explore the history of chai, the spices both "cooling" and "warming", and their health purposes as well as how to prepare a variety of chai tea blends and chai lattes. Taste several different varieties of Chai during this informative tasting session. Susanna Reppert Brill of The Rosemary House is the instructor.
Tuesday, September 306:30 - 8:00
Fee: $25.00
Embrace Your Dark Side Afternoon Tasting
Join Mike Slater and Thomas Roache authors of H.P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon, the legendary and forbidden cookbook of the dead that is "alien to all sane and balanced readers." This cookbook contains many dark (but still delicious) secrets within its pages. The book comes with desperate warnings about the recipes and is infested with sanity-melting and mouth-watering illustrations, but only those who are brave enough to undertake a taste will discover the true genius and deliciousness of this book. This afternoon will be a tasting and sampling of a few of the funny, horrible and bizarre dishes interspersed with tales from the authors of their inspiration and creation of Red Duke Games, Wrightsville, PA. Cookbooks available to purchase, if you dare.
Sunday, Oct 5th1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Bay Leaf Kitchen Wreath
Wednesday October 8
Fee: $25.00
Edible Gifts with Herbs
Thursday, October 16
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Fee: $25.00
Herbs to Support your Nervous System
Tuesday, Oct. 21st
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Fee: $20.00
Trials and Tribulations of Witches & Afternoon Tea
Enjoy a seasonal Afternoon Tea party followed by a program about Witch Trials from ancient times to the nineteenth century, including the only recorded witchcraft trial in Pennsylvania. Mark Podvia, presenter, is a member of the emeritus faculty of the Dickinson School of Law of the Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of The Strange Case of Dr. Paul Schoeppe as well as over 75 articles and reviews.
Friday, October 31 (Filled)1:00 - 3:00
Fee: $60.00, inclusive
Tea Blending Fun!
Thursday November 6th
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Fee: $25.00
Fly Girls Afternoon Tea Party & Program - Filled
Join us for a delicious afternoon tea party followed by a program on female pilots of WWII. Established by the Army Air Force in 1943, the Women's Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) program opened to civilian women with a pilot's license who could afford to pay for their own transportation, training, and uniforms. Presented by Sarah Parry Myers, Assoc. Prof of History and author of Earning Their Wings. Sarah is delightful and brings the plight of these heroic women to life.
Sunday, Nov 9th (Filled)1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Fee: $60.00, inclusive
Merry Mechanicsburg Mercantile
This special town wide event features over 40 vendors and food trucks throughout downtown Mechanicsburg. At The Rosemary House, we will have a curated selection of 8 vendors under the pavilion and in the garden. A special blend of tea will be served in the shop.
Saturday, Nov. 15th11:00 am - 4:00 pm
FREE (But there will be plenty of opportunities to purchase treasures!)
FIRE CIDER and Herbs for Winter Health
A Way of Life - Practical Herbalism Course - Monthly Sessions: Sunday, Jan - Oct, 2026
- All materials including Rosemary Gladstar's Art and Science of Herbal Medicine
- A one year online subscription to The Essential Herbal Magazine
- Presentations by Guest Lecturers
- Tastes and Samples of Herbal Teas
- Hands on "make and take" projects
- Certificate from Rosemary Gladstar's Science and Art of Herbalism Course
- Certificate from 'A Way of Life' Practical Herbalism Course
- (Note: Receipt of both Certificates based upon attendance and completion of assignments).